How To Develop Reading Habit In learners

 Reading is one of the important tool for learners to achieve their desired goal in learning process, (which is getting a high grade). For effective results students need to cultivate reading habit, but these days they no longer read due to so many factors such as laziness, questions being leaked before examination, corrupt examiners and  supervisors , most working class parents do not concentrate on how to help their child or wards develop reading habit.

Reading habit not only help in  acquiring  information,but also help in creating and nurturing the mind and thinking ability of an individual, so its very paramount to foster an interest in learning among the students. This need time and dedication to nourish reading habit.

Remember that each and every students differs In the way they acquire and comprehend knowledge. Some by just flipping through they are able to grabs and assimilate., while for others ,its reading over and over again before they can comprehend and digest the information. Any thing is being focused and concentrate without losing interest in whatever you choose to read.

For students to develop effective reading habit here are some of the tips:

1) Develop the habit of reading daily.

2)set a definite agenda for your reading.

3)Try to understand why you are reading.

4)Try to use different reading method.

5) Ensure to write down some vitals point.

6)summarize all you read 

Develop a daily reading habit.

As a student learn to cultivate and inculcate daily reading habit, by doing this , it will help you to build your ability to read , create a quite , conducive and convenient time and space for reading .. Schedule time that will Favour you , which will not affect or infer your reading processing. By doing this regularly it will become part and parcel of you. 

Set a definite agenda for your reading

By setting a definite agenda (I.e a list of matters to be taken of)have a note book to write down what topic and steps you're to follow  for you to achieve your reading skills.
Also go from simple to complex, this will go a long way to help the students.

Try to understand why you are reading

When you know the reason you are reading, it gives you more insights on the purpose and what to look out for in the content of the book. This brings about productivity in reading to achieve the desire result.

Ensure to write down the vital point

When reading ,write down the important and salient point , that will guide you to better understand what you're reading,   all what its entails , this will not only serve as a gulde but lead to all round learning process that will enable the student develop their intellectual, vocabulary and informative skills to the best of their knowledge.

Learn to summarise all you have read

After reading, endeavour to wrap all you read in your own terms for better understanding. I,e to summarising it in your own vocabulary by writing down the important points steps by steps which will be for reference purpose. This will help in improving your ability to comprehend , focus and be More conscious when reading, also will make you strive to sustain the reading skills you have be able to build.


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