Bonding is the formation of a close emotional connection between a mother and the baby.

 from the time of its birth,the new born. needs tender care, including gentle caress and skin to skin contact.

Some specialist believe that the first twelve hours after birth are crucial.They are of the view that what mother and child require after delivery is"not sleep or food but to caress, and cuddle and to look at and listen to each other. What happen in all cases parents instantly reach out, cuddle, stroke and snuggle their baby. The baby In turn, becomes securely attached to his parents and respond to their attention. The power of this bond is so strong that parents will make sacrifice for the infant to  be nurture and provide protection that will bond the mother to the child in a life time.

Also,without a having parental bond,  the child may droop and die. So its very important for a mother to be giving her child after delivery so as to establish this bond.

Bonding develop in babies through the five senses,that's smell, touch, sight, hearing and taste. Right from the first day after birth there's a mutual bonding and attachment between mother and child because there is no difference between the child body and that of the mother.

Bonding and attachment are all about responding to your baby needs with love and Care, when you do this continuously you turn to a unique and trusted person in your baby's life. They feel they are safe, it makes baby grow in all aspects such as mentally, physically and psychologically.

Interact with your baby, make eye contact, make little sound like coo(speaking lovely and softly) and laugh. This make them to know  that they are safe and also enable the child to learn communication, social character, feelings and encourage your child to form relationship.. Also  interact with your baby by giving your baby things to look at, listen  touch and feel  thing, this enables baby brain to function and develop well. They are also attracted to colours this enhances their vision.

Regular check on your baby, respond to them urgently when they are crying, hold your baby by rocking him/ her in your arm, provide good head or neck support when carrying or when the need arise.

Talk to your baby in a soothing reassuring tones , you can tell stories or talk about what you are doing or about to do. This help the baby to learn and recognise the sound of  your voice, it will also help your child to learn how to speak and communicate, sing songs even if it is toneless, look into your child eye when you talk, sing and create facial expression .

Take time to enjoy being with your baby. Promptly respond to what you identify as their needs at that particular time,such as feeding, playing or sleeping for the first 3-5 months. 

However, lack of maternal affection and bonding can cause adverse effect on the child, such as ill effect, poor eating and feeding habit, slow down intellectually and emotionally, develop belligerent, unable to show emotions or feelings, prone to psychological condition like dejection.


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