Nigeria is a country is a country in west Africa, located between longitude 3' and 15 'and latitude 4' and 14' respectively. 

 It's a country with diverse ethnicity and culture which made her to be rich in cultural heritage.  

Nigeria is surrounded by French speaking countries,  To the north by Niger republic, North -East  lake Chad, East Cameroon Republic , West Benin Republic, South Atlantic ocean, the bight of Bonny and Gulf of Guinea..

The main geographic features includes: River Niger which took its source from Guinea, River Benue and it's tributaries ,  lake Chad,  Gulf of Guinea, Bight of Bonny etc. These features had great importance on the history and culture of the people of Nigeria. Influence their various activities such as physical and other aspects, lts also, influence the occupation of the people.

 The River Niger is the longest river which serves so many functions,such as transportation, fishing, domestic and industrial purposes, tourism etc.  likewise River Benue Which is located in the north central part of the country . Lake Chad is located in the north eastern part which is notable for fishing and provision of water. 

The two airmass in Nigeria influences the type of season. The north east trade wind which blows from Sahara desert usher in dry season I e harmattan blows from the north easternly direction,this characterised with dryness , dust and cold.  The second is north west tradewind this comes from the Atlantic ocean , its usher in raining season. This weather influences the activities of the people in almost all aspects.

  The vegetation are savannah and the forest. The coastal region has forest vegetation ( rain forest,  mangrove swamp forest etc) , which experience rain almost all through the year and foliage of canopies of trees, it's also home for most economic trees like iroko, obeche, mahogany etc. The savannah comprises of ( sudan, sahel guinea) it's also has economic trees homes to some wide life like yankari game reserve.

  It's is also divided into highland and low land. The highland are mandara, mountain, shere hill, mambilla plateau, Idanre  hill, (Osusu hill, kukuruku, Somorika in Edo  state etc.  These mountains contains valuable resources and also provide natural borders to country.

Nigeria has about 250 ethnic groups which are occupied in the 774 local government areas, they have their own distinct cultures and languages that brings about  culture in diversity. In Nigeria we have the Hausa people, Yoruba, Igbo, Effik  , Ibibio, kanuri, Bini, Nupe, Gwari, Birom, Julan, Jukun, Tiv, Idoma, Ijaw, Uhrobo,  Itsekiri, fulani, zuru, Igala etc.

   Before now Nigeria had divisions, provinces during the pre colonial era,  then regions (western, eastern, northern and mid western) during the pre independence era and the present day state from 12, to 19 to 21 to 27 _ 36 till date..

 All the languages spoken by the various ethnic groups have their own distinct language and culture which made them to be unique. 



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