Raising a child is not an easy task, its very important for us as a parents to know how to care for our children for them to become a better personality in future to  themselves in particular and the society in general. After the hustle of day we comes back home to care for our children physical,social and emotional wellbeing. Most parents and teachers fails to observe and monitor the behaviour of children they are to care for .  It's very Paramount's to  know how to build self esteem in the life of our children and loved ones.

As a parents and teachers, emotional supports and encouragement are simple and highly effective ways to promote children and learners self esteem.

As a teacher make a consistence effort to focus more on your students positive than their negatives and back that up with words and actions of support.. The following are some of the way to build self esteem in the classroom;

Praise and acknowledge


Encourage a sense of ownership.

Acknowledge that every student is different

Introduce self realistic expectations

Learn and help the learners in identifying their potential and talents

Introduce gratitude and affirmation every day in your classroom.

Avoid favouritism , critic and boo


Little praise can go a long way in building learners self esteem, the way you handle, relate with the student , like  give me a high five; waoo you are the best:, you can do better than this. It will go a long way in the life of the learners because his or her teacher believed in his abilities.


provide a good sense of responsibility by allowing the learners to participate in class activities such as reading, art work i.e (drawings ,painting, using of clay in creating an objects, mosaic, paper marche bead making etc. When they fully participate in these, it will help in bringing them out from their shell.


As a teacher always bear in mind every student have different intelligent quotient. Follow them according to their level of understanding. Learn to understand their strength and weakness, with  these there will be balance in teaching in achieving your set goal. One student may be good in one subject but not in other, try to monitor and do a proper follow up.


Encourage the students to discover and explore of the diversity of this world, teach a topic that they will go home to research on their own,this will enable them to be more focus, motivated, and aspire to gain more knowledge. This provide more clarity,directions and accountability. He should be realistic and focus on the set goal for a better result.  Example an assignment on some certain topic such as (the historical site in Nigeria, early European exploration in Nigeria, cultural diversity in Africa etc.


Gratitude is the quality of being thankful,readiness to show appreciation. A strong feelings of appreciation to some one for what the person has done to help you. Gratitude turns what we have into enough . Teach them to appreciate and value every thing they do. Remember that a child today will become a pillar to the home, society and the world at large. Building child's self esteem is the responsibility of all.


Building Self esteem in a child starts from the home. The home is the first agents of socialisation, its where the child first step of learning take place. The way we relate to our children at home can either mal or make them in life. Therefore, its important know some of the ways to build self esteem;  These are;

Help your child to learn to do things at every age

Show your kid's how to  do things first before you allow them to do it themselves

Praise your child but do it wisely

Be a good role model
Do not kill their morales by criticism

Show kids much love

Encourage them to try new challenge

Focused on their strength
   A child learning processes comes in  different stages in the development
of life.  lt start from childhood-teenage/adolescent-adulthood. You can help them to build blocks, arrange puzzles, learn numbers and letters in the right way.make correction where necessary. Guide on whatever they are doing.

   Be a good role model worthy of emulation. Be a good teacher, always impact positive attitude in them because you are their first instructor, they are copy cat so we should be careful in what ever we do.  A child whose parents neglect him/her sometimes feel they are not wanted, this in turns have negative imparts in them, love is the greatest weapon to conquer low self esteem. Never   critize or talk down on your child,always encourage and praise them, speak sweet words to them.  Always say positive words.Don't ever use abusive words such as "you are good for nothing", "you're worthless", "empty vessels", some parents go to the length of telling their children " i regretted giving birth to you". Please  this affect children psychology, emotional and social wellbeing of the child . lets always help,  pray and encourage our children.  our child  should be our number one priority. Above all focused on their strength, remember that every child has a strength and weakness. Try to watch them, for you to understand them better, so as to encourage , work and build / nurture on  their strengths and also help in bridging the gap between strengths and weakness 



Self esteem is the confidence in ones own worth and value.its also how you feel about yourself  or opinion you have about yourself.
It's the belief about oneself as well emotional states,such as triumph,despair,pride and shame.
  Self esteem comes from learning to accept who we are by seeing the insufficient and still choosing to like ourselves.
  Every child's self esteem grows with each experience of successful interaction through positive words. Its important to build a child's belief that  they can handle their life and handle it well.


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