Fear is one of the most basis of human emotion. Its programmed into the nervous system and works like an instinct. From infancy, we are equipped with survival instinct necessary to resound fear ,sense danger or feel unsafe.

 Fear is like babies growing larger by nursing them ,if you are afraid to step up to the plate you will never achieve your desired goals. Worry doesn't help tomorrow troubles, but does ruin today's happiness. When  you worry about the future, there will soon be no future for you to worry about. No matter how much a person dread the future,he usually wants to be around to see it. Unfortunately, more people worry about the future than prepare for it.

Fear hold you back from taking risks, so consider this"what you fear about tomorrow is not yet here".

Fear keep you from going where you could have won. Don't let fear steal from you and prevent you from pursuing your dream.most students believe their doubt and doubt their belief.

Fear is the word we use to describe our emotional reactions to something that seems dangerous. Also, it's something a person often feel afraid of. People fear things or situation that make them feel unsafe.

Fear can be mild, medium or intense depending on the situation and the person. A person feeling of fear can be brief or it can last longer.

When we sense danger, the brain reacts instantly sending message alert that activate the nervous system. This causes physical responses such as faster heart beat, rapid breath and an increase in blood pressure, blood pumps to muscles to muscles group to prepare the body for physical actions (such as running or fighting, skin sweat to keep the body cool,some people might notice sensation in the stomach, heart, chest,legs or hands. The physical sensation of fear can be mild or strong. This response is known as Fight or Flight I.e the body prepares itself to do fight off the danger or run fast to get away.

Sometimes fear is triggered by something that's is unexpected, eg shock or loud noise. People fear things or situation that makes them unsafe or un sure, for instance fear of height or darkness.some can overcome this fear of height by learning how to climb.

Many people have fear of public speaking in class, speaking at assembly or reciting  lines in the school play, speaking in front of others.

People tend to avoid the the situations or things they fear. But these doesn't help them to over come fear,avoiding reinforces a fear and keep it strong.

People. can overcome unnecessary fear by giving themselves the chance to learn about it and gradually get used to the situations  they're afraid of.


      A phobia is an intense fear ,reaction to a particular situation or thing.. The fear is out of proportion to potential danger. 

Phobia causes people to worry about dread. Worry is a route that leads from somewhere to nowhere, never let it direct your life. Fear of the future is a waste of tomorrow. 

Fear can be something triggered by  what we experience. People can learn to overcome phobia by gradually facing their fear. This is not easy at first, it takes willingness and bravery, sometimes it requires therapy to guide them through the process .


      It's not failure people fear, it's the perceived negative consequences that the failure stresses them out. This fear can lead to lower self esteem, avoiding challenging tasks, being pessimic and even cheating. 

  These are some of the ways to reduce fear or failure in learners:

No shame policy

Address the problem

Learn from your mistake

Don't bottle it up

Question your fear

Focus on what you can control

Embrace the grey

No shame policy

The most common fear of failure that young people face is the fear of shame and embarrassment. This is seen in students who don't volunteer an answer in a question, in class for fear of looking bad in front of peers or inability to read fluently in class or assembly ground, for these set of people trying and failing is no definitely not for them. We can create the environment where failure isn't followed by laughter, ridicule and embarrassment.

Face the problem

To avoid fear you have first of all address and face it. Without you addressing it, you can never solve or overcome it, try to ensure you an ideal on what your fear is all about.

When you look at the possible roots causing your fear resonate with you. Write down where you think the fear is coming from and try to understand it. Imagine you are trying to help your relatives,  pal or classmate.
Maybe your fear is caused as a result of what happened in your childhood or insecurity, not knowing the source of the fear takes away some of its power.

Learn from your mistakes

 Some learners view oncoming test or examination as an opportunity to see how much they have learnt. Others see it as a chance to compare themselves to their classmate. Those who focused on their learning are called task oriented( incidentally) creating a task oriented environment by focusing more on individual development and less on comparism to others. This will increase motivation, confidence,self regulation,performance as well as reduce anxiety.

 Don't suppress or hold back

If you are facing any challenge,try taking to someone, like parents, councilors, friends teachers. These people can give advice, support, or even just listen to you, using the support available. By bottle it up you are causing more harm than good.  So learn to confide in someone who you believe can help you.

Focus on what you can control

When people focus on things they can't change, it often make them stressed or nervous. By helping people focus on what they can not change,gives them sense of certainty and confidence. The students can't control the grade they what to get by being worried,but they can processed and focused if they concentrate on what they can control(their effort, attitude and they can be organize .

Embrace the Grey

Embracing the Grey means you're willing to move into a realm where two position over lap( intersection of common ground) seeking areas where agreement can be reached.
 In education, the result can be paper over crack. Learners who think a good grade or win in their last examination and composition means everything is good. On the other side, a poor grade or a defeat means everything seems all doom and gloom. This type of thinking can lead to stress, anxiety and fragile self esteem, judging your self on your attitude. Effort on what you have learn are better marker's and are probably more likely to result in good grade and win that are desire.
To be comfortable with doubtfulness and uncertainty, so that we are open to new ideas,rather than presumingly problems are clear cut and the solutions are obvious. It's accepting that we all live in uncertain world.

Note; that failure in itself is not threatening, its just a source of feed back on your current level. Its the negative consequences that people think will follow,is what they fear.
The most common of these is the fear of embarrassment and shame. There are many method and strategies that can help young people overcome the fear of failure, helping them push on and realize their potential
Never respond out of fear,and never fear to respond. Action attack fear: inaction reinforces it.


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